"He has made everything beautiful in His time.
He also set eternity
in the human heart;
yet no one can fathom what God has done
from beginning to end."
Ecclesiastes 3:11
I love being a photographer. Having the opportunity to capture moments in people's lives that will never happen again is such a rewarding privilege.
Our life is made up of it's own snapshots, some we long to cherish and some we cant wait to fade away. Moments both good and bad weave there way in out out of our lives on a daily basis.
We try desperately to hold on to the good, those moments that make us smile and bring us joy. Craving the snapshots that make us see our life as a Beautiful experience.
Then there are those moments that shake up our world causing our vision to blur and our beautiful outlook on life to become a distorted mess. It's easy to do in a world that's constantly throwing curve balls our way. Financial struggles, sickness, emotional hurt, daily demands in our jobs or relationships.
It's all a part of life, isn't it? But without the bad moments we wouldn't be able to truly appreciate the good moments. We wouldn't know what beauty was.
Every choice,every experience may lead us to where we are going but they don't define who we are.
The only thing that matters to God is who he is creating us to be. I love that about him! If we love him we can trust he's using all things in our lives,the beautiful and not so beautiful snapshots, to work together for our future good. He sees the potential of who we CAN be not who we used to be.
Just because we may have a bad day, an off week, disappoint other people, make bad choices, or react poorly to things at times doesn't mean God is upset with us. Our mistakes are not our identity. Maybe in other people's eyes but not in God's. Through his amazing grace His view of us doesn't change in those bad moments.That's what our savior Jesus did for us.
One of my favorite songs says: "Life is not a snapshot,it might take a little time but you'll see the bigger picture...Because the pain that you've been feeling, it cant compare to the joy that's coming."
If we are in Christ all God sees when he looks at us is Beauty because only he can see the big picture.And he'll reveal it to us in his perfect time. In his eyes our life is more like a filmstrip than a snapshot. The things we face do not define us nor do we have to stay stuck in the rough spots or hold onto the ugly snapshots. Trust God with the good and bad moments. You are his beloved and nothing that happens day to day will make him see you any other way.
Prayer Starter: Dear God, I lay all the moments in my life at your feet, the good and bad. I trust that you are using them to mold me into the person you know I can be.In the challenging moments help me rest in knowing you're in control and only you can see the big picture.Help me to appreciate both the good and bad and find the beauty in every day.Thank you for this life.