My sister gave me these lists of questions she found (probably on pinterest;) for Jeremy and I to do one night.
So one evening laying on our bed we thought why not?and went through the questions. Let me tell you, it was AMAZING! we learned things we didn't even know about each other! It was different, fun. There were tears (mostly from me obviously), laughter, and prayer. It was a very intimate and awesome experience for us as a married couple. Try it out sometime:)
I'm sure there are different ones but these are the ones we used;)
20 Good Date Questions for
Married Couples to Ask Each Other
1. What are four or five things which attracted you to me before we
were married?
2. What is one of the most funny or embarrassing things that has happened to us – maybe we
laughed later?
3. What is one of the most romantic times we have had together?
4. What are a few of the most romantic things I could ever do for you?
5. Tell me a time when you really felt close to me. What made you feel that way?
6. If walls could talk, what would ours say?
7. If you could keep just one memory of some past event or period of time, which would it be?
8. If we had two days alone together, what would be your idea of how we could best spend the
time? Why?
9. What could I do to best help you in the next 30 days?
10. What do I do that makes you feel really loved?
11. If you could change anything about the way I treat you, what would it be?
12. What friend has most influenced your life, and how?
13. If you were to take your first name and make an acrostic describing your life’s purpose, what
would each letter represent?
14. In what simple way would you like to see me grow personally in the next 12 months?
15. What two or three problems, if solved, would make the most positive difference in our
16. What things produce the most stress in our lives? What’s the greatest stress now? How
might we overcome it?
17. If you had just six more months to live, how would you spend them? What would you
do? Where would you want to go?
18. How would you describe an ideal day? Weekend?
19. What would you see as my three greatest strengths?
20. What are the three most important things we could do with each of our children in the next
© 2011 (Permission to copy is granted if credit is included
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