Friday, August 24, 2012


I am directionally challenged. There I admitted it. I guess that just wasn't in the recipe of traits when God was creating me and I'm okay with that. But since I'm not I have to compensate. Thank goodness I'm married to Magellan. That man can find his way ANYwhere.

I rely on GPS, a lot. So much so that I'm not sure how I got anywhere before it existed. I even plug in addresses of places I've been before...better safe than sorry right? The problem with a GPS is that it's not reliable. I know, (while useful) I can't depend completely on it. There's no sure fired security in using it. I don't know how many times the battery has died & left me feeling completely lost....literally. The most annoying thing Hilda (name of GPS) can say to me is "rerouting" because I know somehow I took a wrong turn and she's trying to figure out how to get me back on the right road.

But even though GPS isn't 100% reliable, even though sometimes it gets me more lost than not using, I still do depend on it a lot, as do many Americans. Most new cars come with one already installed.

If we can rely so much on a fallible device to get us where we're going why is it so hard to trust an infallible God to guide our lives? You know the amazing thing I've learned about God is....He is ALWAYS dependable. His battery doesn't run out. The energizer bunny's got on Him! He knows where we need to go and how to get us there before we even ask! Sometimes we'll make a wrong turn but that's okay. Did you hear me? I said THAT'S OKAY. Do you really think the God who created you, who created the universe, is taken off guard when that happens? That He doesn't know how to handle it?That He didn't already have a solution, a way to bring us back on track?

One wrong turn will not put you out of God's plan forever. Look at the Israelites. I can't even count the times in the old testament where it says "and the Israelites turned away from God." Every time Jeremy and I read another verse that says that we think seriously guys?! But how often do we do the same thing? How often do we choose the wrong path whether on purpose or not. Just like the Israelites we take things into our own hands instead of trusting God and we have to face the consequences. Sometimes those consequences we complain about are mistakes we've already made and God is trying to wake us up, to get us back on the right road. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God" Romans 8:28. Sometimes we choose to see that....sometimes we don't. Sometimes it takes years for us to realize the God we thought had left us stranded had been guiding us all along.

We don't even realize that even those bumps in the road could have been worse if He hadn't interceded. If you're feeling lost in any area of your life don't lose hope! God can see where you are, where you're going, and exactly what it's going to take to bring you where you need to be.He's not recalculating, He's not searching for an alternative route. He already has a plan! You can trust Him. He wants to bless you if you choose to follow Him.

We are all directionally challenged in one way or another but God isn't. He is the ultimate GPS and He's FREE. I don't know about you, but I like FREE stuff, especially stuff I know won't break.All you have to do is ask Him.Time and time again the Israelites chose the wrong road and then found themselves praying to God for deliverance and you know what He did? He didn't say "nope. sorry suckers, you brought this on yourselves so you'll just have to stay lost and figure it out." No, He rescued them. It might not be in our timing but God has proven to me over and over that HIS timing is perfect. We may have to learn some hard lessons but God is always there."God in dependable love shows up on time" Psalms 59:10

 If you can talk to a GPS, you can talk to GOD. He wants to hear from you. He will forgive you, He Loves you. That wrong turn you took didn't wreck your life before God. Instead of agonizing over it you can get right with God, today."In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps" Proverbs 16:9 He can turn even yesterday's wrong turn into something good and position you in a new and more amazing place than you ever could have imagined. GPS-God's Positioning System.

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”Proverb 3:5-6 

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