Friday, September 28, 2012

Love Never Fails

I've felt a lot of emotions throughout my journey with my health but this week has made me feel two words more than anything else.

Humbly Overwhelmed...

By love.

I had an appointment this last Monday at a new doctor. A specialist.

Now I've been to a lot of doctors/specialists, done a lot of tests & been 'suggested' a lot of treatments with a lot of attempts to prescribe me medicine to mask the symptoms instead of discovering the source; but when I went to this new specialist I had a new hope and a peace that I haven't had in the past. I wasn't anxious, I was excited! And I know a lot of it was because the people in my life.

On Sunday after church my parents came over to pray for me. Head bowed and holding hands with my husband and my parents I felt an overwhelming love. I didn't have to have my eyes open to know my mom was crying, I could hear it in her voice, feel it in the compassion of her words when she prayed. 

My mom has dealt with health issues and pain.Much of the same frustration with doctors and unanswered questions about how to help ease the pain has been a part of her life for the last 20+years. Mine has only been the last 4 years.In comparison it seems small. But not the way she looks at it. Was there one word in the prayer uttered for herself, her own healing? No. She'd take all my pain on top of her own just for me to feel better. WOW. Humbled. Overwhelmed. 

That's Love.Not a for letter word that's tossed around so nonchalantly these days. Not simply a word mentioned, but an action shown. Real, Genuine, Selfless Love.

When I see the love my parents have for me, the love of a mother, it's hard for me to think anyone could possibly love me more than that. But here comes the overwhelming part...God Does!

No one could love me more, could love you more than God does. Not even a mom. It's a hard concept to fully grasp. Maybe He doesn't expect us to. Maybe He just wants us to believe it.Trust it. Rest in it. Have confidence and security in the indisputable truth of it.

Like a true parent who doesn't want to see her children hurt. Who wants to do whatever it takes to protect them. Who despite their mistakes,their screw ups, their disrespect, and disobedience...Loves them

Do you have children? Then you know what I mean. I don't have children yet.(One day God willing!) I feel how much I love my friends' children so I can't even imagine when they're my own! But at this moment in my life I can only experience a mother's love through what I see and what I feel from my own.And it's B.I.G. BIG!

God loves us more.Whoa nelly.

God knew the mistakes we'd make in our lives.He knew the times we'd distrust and disobey him. He knew all the people that would not only deny Him but mock Him. Yet he loves us just the same! How do I know? "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Think about that. Most of us have heard that verse a million times or at least once. I recall memorizing it in vacation bible school when I was growing up. But how many of us have actually taken the time to think about what it really means? To truly reflect on that kind of love. It's not just an event in history. It's not just an act of love He did 2,000 years ago. It's on ongoing action.

A never ending love. 

A love that never runs out. Never gives up. Never costs us anything. Never becomes unneeded. It doesn't change with circumstances. It's not based on performance or actions.You heard me! We don't have to earn it!  We can do things for God, for others, because we want to not because we have to.That in itself should take a GINORMOUS weight off our shoulders. God cares more about relationship than religion. But don't take my word for it...

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.Ephesians 2:8-9
God sent his one and only son to die a violent, gruesome, undeserved death on a cross to save us from sin. ALL of us. Now to me, that's love. That's sacrifice.I don't know what you've done in your life, what you've gone through, what you're currently facing but God does. You were not excluded when God allowed Jesus to die on that cross. You were in His mind, on His heart.He knew every sin we would EVER commit and yet He loved us that much. In the words of my old pastor, "That'll blow your hat in the creek!"

You may not have known the love of a mother or a father in your life. I can't offer you answers but I can offer you hope. No parent is perfect, except God. No parent could love you more than He does.The perfect father.

I've had a lot of support, a lot of encouragement, & a lot of prayers over the last few years but I've never felt the love more than I did this past week.

So many friends-old and new,ladies I barely know, amazing family,church members, & my incredible husband have reached out to me in a way that has completely overwhelmed my heart. So many have taught me spiritually, prayed for me, and stood by my side through this.Once again reiterating just how important relationships are. How's the world supposed to see the love of God if we don't show it?

When Jesus sent out his disciples, He sent them in pairs.  He knew they would need each other, and we need each other too.  We need others to stand up for us, and stand behind us, to have our backs, and pray for us. I'm so blessed to have that. So, thank you. It will never be enough, but it means more than I could possibly express.

It's so humbly overwhelmed me that it's motivated me to want to be a better friend, a better sister, daughter, wife, and christian.

It's is through you that I get a glimpse of the love of God.

And that kind of love never fails.

For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels won't, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep Gods' love away. Our fears for today, or worries about tomorrow or where we are -- high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean -- nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when He died for us.