Saturday, April 19, 2014

Good Friday? What's so good about it?

What was the first thought on your mind when you woke up friday morning?
Do you remember?

I have to pee, I want a donut, I need a coffee IV, I love my kids but wish they had a mute button sometimes.

What if you woke up that morning knowing that you were going to die that day? Not just die but that you were going to be betrayed by a close friend, beaten, spit on, all while being made fun of, right before you faced an excruciating death. A death you didn't deserve. A death you were dying for someone else. Someone you had never met.

Now what if you had the power to prevent all that from happening to you, would you do it? If we're being honest we wouldn't hesitate in saying "YES!!!"

Let's face it we are not so good with suffering are we? In fact we usually do everything in our power to avoid it or escape it as quick as possible when it hits.

Suffering....We don't understand it and we don't want it!

But there has been one perfect, innocent man that chose it

Jesus chose to suffer and he did it for you and me.

He woke up that day knowing one of his closest friend Betrayed him for money, knowing he would be unjustly arrested, brutally beaten, wrongly accused, relentlessly mocked, and savagely hung on a wooden cross to die.

Why would anyone do that?

LOVE. True, selfless, unconditional love... for us. ALL of us. Every single person. No matter their race, background, religion, sexual preference, social standing, or choices in life, He did it for everyone.

He hung there, blood dropping from every inch of his body, barely hanging on only by rusty nails pierced through his hands and feet. A piercing crown of thorns digging into his skull.

With all the power to get down, to make it stop, to end the suffering... the King of Kings and son of the most High God chose to suffer through. He was thinking of us. He knew He had to be the sacrifice that we could never be. The flawless bridge That would connect us to God almighty.

Jesus knew you then. Crazy to think about right? He knew every sin, mistake, failure, choice, you would ever make and that is why he chose not to end the torchure. He knew the suffering was temporary and victory was coming!

He fought through the excruciating pain to save us from our sins. To be the free gift that would give us a way to heaven, that would give us freedom.

I can't imagine the pain and heartache of those who loved him watching him die on that cross but it was a crucial part of God's plan of saving grace. A love so strong he sacrificed his only son. And It was not a somber was a day of victory.

JESUS the savior of the world. He's more than just a religion, than a story in history.On the 3rd day after he sacrificed his life He rose from the dead!HE IS ALIVE!

And lives in the heart of those that choose him.

All we have to do is believe, to ask for forgiveness for our sins and heaven is ours. But it's not just our eternity that's secured it's our past that is wiped clean and our present that is safe in his hands. He's a friend. Our connection to our creator. He gives strength when Your weak, joy in the pain, hope in the despair,Peace in the chaos, and no matter what we do or don't do in this life, he loves us the same.

I will never fully grasp that kind of love, that kind of undeserved grace.He took the punishment for us. We will face troubles in this world but he's already overcome them all. So why are you living in defeat when you already have victory in Christ? 

He took the guilt for everything so we could have the grace forever.

To him, you were worth it. He doesn't want anything from you....

All he wants is YOU. Just as we are. He is perfect so we don't have to be, he measures up so we don't need to. His love is unending, without limitations or restrictions. He wants to give you freedom for life and eternity in heaven with him. 

That makes it so much more than just a 'good' Friday!

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