I love rain. I think I always have. I love the sound, the smell, the feel of it hitting my skin. One of my favorite things has always been to run in the rain. Something invigorating and refreshing about it. And let's face it, as hot as it is in Texas we could use all the help we can get with cooling off. Especially for the brave, albeit crazy souls that choose to run outside.
I also love being able to snuggle up inside under a blanket while a storm is raging outside. The rain drops hitting the windows and the thunder roaring. Flashes of lightning illuminating everything around it's fierce beam.
Something about being safe inside while a storm rages outside brings a warming comfort.
There are things I don't like about storms though. I don't like the way people drive (if you can even call it that) or the mosquitoes that should have been left off the ark, or the mud that our pup Koa loves to dig her claws in and then track all over the house. Ah the smell of wet dog, does something quite pungent to the nose holes doesn't it? (Oh fyi, I don't like the word nostrils)
But let's face it pleasant and not so pleasant stuff blows in with the storms.
Isn't that the case with everything though? There's the good stuff that's easy to love and there's the bad stuff that never gets any lovin. But what we choose to focus on though is our choice isn't it?
There's one thing we can be certain about storms though, they are TEMPORARY. They may last hours, days, or weeks but eventually the storms will end. The rain will stop, the sun will start shining and the puddles will dry up.
The same goes for the storms of life that we face. And as a Christ follower we will most likey face them a lot. Sometimes we're prepared for them,or as prepared as we can be. We see the dark clouds rolling in, hear the thunder in the distance and we can try to avoid them or at least brace ourselves right? But sometimes the storm hits out of no where.Seems like that's most often the case.Sun shining on our face turns into giant cold rain drops in our eyeballs.
Some storms are stronger than others, some last longer than others. Some feel like they'll never end, you know the ones? They're like that annoying pink energizer bunny, they keep going and going and going. They feel like they turn from a "hey this storm is intense" to a full blown "I'm trying not to drown here monsoon!"
It's frustrating isn't it? Overwhelming even. Every time you try to get your footing it feels like wave after wave keeps knocking you back. You try to wipe your eyes to see clearly but can't, try to fight the wind coming at you but exhaust yourself. You are just trying to make sense of it all. Because at least then we'd feel like it is for a reason.
We often think we have to be out of the storm to make a difference, that once we get past the clouds we can be content. We try to figure out a way to get where we want to be or feel like we should be, a place where we think we can be worthy again. Happy again.
Can I tell you something you may or may not know? You are worthy right where you are. You are making a difference right where you're at. It may not be how you want it to be but maybe the people you are wanting to reach aren't the same people God has in mind for you to right now. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe he has people around you in your storm, people you don't even know are watching. Maybe your mess is a message to them. Maybe they see your strength when you feel nothing but weakness. Maybe they see you fighting through when it makes more sense to give up. Maybe they're watching the process God is taking you through and seeing that there is something bigger inside of you than what you're facing. Something that allows you to smile in spite of the pain, to push forward despite the discouragement. Something that shines through the dark clouds.
Maybe he wants to help you be content no matter what's raging on around you because He knows true peace and lasting JOY comes from Him alone, the one thing that never changes.
One of my favorite stories in the bible is when Jesus calms the storm when he's on the boat with the disciples. They were floating along fine (as we often feel we are in life) with all the faith and peace in the world until BAM the storm hits. Waves crashing into the boat while experiencing what I'm sure was the conception of the term"wind blown hair." Sea sickness sets in, feelings about what's happening grow stronger. They take their eyes off Jesus, lose sight of their destination and focus on the storm raging around them. It became about their circumstances instead of their savior. Enter fear, enter doubt, bye bye peace hello freak out mode.
Here enters my Jesus, I picture him cool and calm maybe with some bed head hair as they frantically wake him to inform the son of God there is a storm, thinking He had forgotten about them. That he didn't care they were "drowning", at least is what they thought. (Like we don't do the same right?)
Jesus sits up and simple says “Quiet! Be still!” And just like that the wind died down and the waters were completely calm. Oh Snap.
Jesus. Ah Jesus.He didn't care what the storm looked like, what it felt like because his faith wasn't in his surroundings it was in his God. He knew it wasn't stronger than him. He knew God had a way and no storm in their path could detour God's plan for them. And that same fearless, strong Jesus is standing with you.
Oh beloved, How God wants us to remember that in our storms. He is not thrown off by the trials that hit us, nothing can happen without passing through his hands. It may feel like punishment, it may seem unfair. But there's purpose for the rain, there's a divine plan in the pain. He has a bigger picture in mind, a place he wants to take you. I know at times we just want him to calm the storm but give yourself freedom to rest while riding it out. Don't miss what he is trying to show you through it, a fresh perspective, a new outlook, an unshakable faith and strength can only come from facing the storm. He knows that. He knows YOU. Better than anyone.
The storm is a blessing in disguise. I promise. Sometimes a crazy good disguise but the storm doesn't mean he's mad at you and that he doesn't love you. In fact, it means that he loves you so much that he trusts you with more. It means He knows you're strong enough, knows he's able enough.
Only the storms can reveal what you're made of. You may find weaknesses while pushing through and that is ok. Rest in those, be humble in those. Trust he cares enough to show you those so He can help turn them into strengths. They will bring a new appreciation for the strengths you already do have. If you can say nothing else at the end of the day you can say this, "I'm still here. I may be wobbly and weak but I'm still standing.Still pushing through."
God is holding you up. He's under you, behind you, in front of you. You may not see him, you may not feel him but he promised to NEVER leave you or forsake you.
When you come out of the storm and you WILL come out, you won't be the same person that walked into it and maybe that's what the storm was about. God will calm the storm when the timing is right. But first he'll calm you. He'll teach you and show you things so that when he brings you out of it you'll be stronger than ever.You'll have more faith in his unchanging power and strength. You'll be more capable, more equipped to be everything he knows you can be.
You may not be able to see in front of you, but God can. He knows where he's taking you, he knows how to get you there.And he WILL get you there. It may be rough waters but he's building you up while guiding you through. Let hope be your anchor. Stop being so hard on yourself, rest in knowing God loves you unconditionally. Be still and know that He is God, He is in control and He will bring you through. The Bigger the Storm, the bigger the blessing.
“Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you.I’ve called your name. You’re mine.When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.When you’re between a rock and a hard place; it won’t be a dead end—Because I am God, your personal God,The Holy of Israel, your Savior.I paid a huge price for you:" Isaiah 42:2-3
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