"You're just a mom."
I've heard people say that. I have to agree. You are just a mom.
Yup, just a mom....Just a mom that sacrifices constantly.
Just a mom that is a hairdresser, cook, maid, alarm clock, teacher, nurse, waitress, referee, security officer, event planner, children's book reader, song singer, marathon runner, alarm clock, personal assistant, janitor, boo boo kisser, counselor, chauffeur, butt wiper, soldier, tear remover, sanitation worker, multitasker, cheerleader, trainer, and coach...
Just a mom who doesn't get paid holidays, sick days, or time off. A mom who barely gets a break to even take a shower or shave her legs!
Just a mom who doesn't have an 8-5 schedule. A mom who is on call 24/7.
Just a mom who makes daily choices to put her family first.
Just a mom who choices to love unconditionally even when it isn't easy.
Just a mom who isn't always appreciated.
Just a mom who deserves more respect and admiration but at the same time doesn't ask for it.
Just a mom who would do anything for her children.
Just a mom that God trusted to raise future generations.
Just a mom that gives all of who she is so her kids can be all of who they are.
So thank you...for being just a mom. And the next time you hear someone say that just smile and know that everything that word entails is so much more than anyone could ever comprehend.
This blog is dedicated to you....I respect the snot out of you and who has more experience with snot than moms.
Happy Mother's Day!!
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