Friday, September 14, 2012

Just rest

Sometimes environmental factors cause my illness to take on a level that makes me feel even sicker than usual which causes flare ups and magnifies my every day symptoms.Unfortunately with the weather changes & allergies that has been the case the last few days forcing me to do one of the hardest things for me, Rest.

But rest can be good...when used wisely.The last few days I was forced to rest physically but that didn't mean I had an excuse to be lazy. Sometimes sickness forces us to rest our bodies but what about our minds? What if we stopped trying to be one step ahead, to 'keep up', to figure it all out, to have it all under control?

What if we learned to do two simple words?  Just rest.

~Rest in knowing that it's all going to work out for good.
~Rest in trusting there is a plan within the chaos, a purpose within the pain.
~Rest in believing that what doesn't kill you can make you stronger, 
            what doesn't break you can refine you.
~Rest in the faith that when God said He'd never leave you, He meant it.
~Rest in knowing God is able when we're unable.
~Rest in peace that the things you lack, God will provide.
~Rest in believing His faithfulness will be shown when we trust in Him.
~Rest in the truth that in the midst of the storm, He can bring calmness.
~Rest in knowing as a christian your worth has already been established, 
            your freedom paid for.
~Rest in believing we don't have to earn God's love, we already have it.
~Rest in knowing if you're seeking him, He is guiding your steps.
~Rest in believing there isn't a hurt He can't heal, a problem He can't solve.
~Rest in knowing when we are at our weakest, God is at His strongest.
~Rest in the truth that though the battle rages on, God's victory is certain 
            and so is yours.
~Rest in the verse that "all things are possible with God."
~Rest in knowing there isn't a single area of your life He doesn't care about.
~Rest in the fact we're not just doing nothing, but we are giving him control.
~Rest in believing we're doing our best and God will do the rest.
~Rest in the truth that God is stronger & BIGGER than anything you are facing.
~Rest in knowing if you make a mistake, He loves you the same.
~Rest in believing He hears your prayers & will answer them in the right time.
~Rest in knowing that the God who created you has a unique purpose for your 
            life that no one else can fulfill.
~Rest in the God who doesn't get tired, who won't give up even if we do,who 
            won't give you more than you can handle because He will always be with you.

Resting in God is not passivity, it's not an excuse to be lazy. It simply means you're saying "While it may not be easy, I trust you everything, with everything and in that I'm choosing to just rest."

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