I like to create. Paint,draw...I love it! I enjoy taking a blank canvas, conjuring up a concept in my head, and making it come to life.There's something exciting about being the only one who knows what the final product will look like. Sure I can try and explain it to someone but they're not inside my mind (probably a good thing) so while they can imagine a basic idea they can't fully comprehend what the finished work is until they see it.
Onlookers can make guesses, critique what they may change, judge how I'm doing it, or become impatient but none of that will change what I want my masterpiece to look like.Only I know what it needs. In my mind even as a work in progress, it's beautiful. It may not be perfect but it's my creation.
I believe God is the ultimate artist. There is so much beauty in this world He created-like sunsets! Many try to imitate by paintings or photographs but they can never reinvent the original. They're obvious beauty to the eye, masterpieces.
Not a lot of people will see us as masterpieces. They see the mistakes we've tried to erase but can't, the imperfections we've tried desperately to cover up. They just see a hopeless mess but God doesn't. Nosiree,Our artist doesn't see what's missing, He sees the beauty. He sees what will be there, the potential. What others may see as mistakes on our canvas he sees as unique characteristics,things that make us different than any other work of art.
we are God's workmanship (work of art), created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10
We are works in progress but God sees the finished masterpiece and to him it's Beautiful. When God made you, He really did break the mold! He took great care in making us who we were meant to be.He did not make us on a mass production line. He had a purpose in mind for us even
before we came into being! No one else in the entire world can fulfill the purpose God created you to have because there is no other person exactly like you. You are an original artwork.
"You are the one who put me together inside my mother’s body and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me Everything you do is marvelous Of this I have no doubt. Nothing about me is hidden from you! I was secretly woven together deep in the earth below,but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed.Even before I was born,you had written in your book everything I would do."Psalm 139:13-16
Every artist has their critics, every art piece its haters.I realize not everyone will like what I create. That's okay. Tastes are different, opinions diverse. Only I will truly know why I painted what I did, how I did. God doesn't like people criticizing his art work. who would? But He's not worried about it.He knows they can't see what He can. He already has the finished masterpiece in mind. You're beautiful to Him just as you are because he knows where He's taking you.
You've heard the phrase "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." If the God of the universe, who created the sun, the moon,the stars,the sea, the land....the God who is perfect, who doesn't lie,doesn't make mistakes, and knows us better than anyone...better than we know ourselves....If HE says we're Beautiful maybe we should choose to believe Him.
You may not feel like a masterpiece.There have been times I've felt anything but! There may be things you wish were different,things you're trying to change, things others don't see as beautiful. That's ok, God's not finished with you yet!
Right now, where ever you may be in your life, you are His Beautiful work in progress.
"And I am certain that God, who began the
good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally
finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."Philippians 1:6
There really ought to be a sign upon the heart, Don't judge her yet, there's an unfinished part.But I'll be perfect just according to His plan,Fashioned by the Master's loving hands.
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