Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Glorious Mess

"I have to clean the house for company!"

How many times have you said that? Now think about how often it was mixed with a little anxiety.

This weekend we had some family and friends over so I needed to clean the house.

Isn't it funny how clean house for company takes on a whole new dimension as opposed to just every day cleaning.It was like suddenly I noticed all these details that I never notice any other normal cleaning time. I have a friend whose husband will tell her "why don't you have some friends over." Because he knows that means she will clean the house extra well.You may think that's funny (I do) or you may find it a lil harsh but either way the truth is every day cleaning and cleaning for company are very different!

So if you try and tell me you keep your house the same level of cleanliness when company's not coming as when they are, sorry I won't believe you;)

I'm not saying we shouldn't clean our homes.Obviously we should appreciate what God's blessed us with. But we shouldn't let the cleaning house for company stress us out and take away from the whole reason we're doing it in the first place. Your friends (your true friends) and family aren't going to care if they can see their reflection in your pots or not! They're coming to spend time with you, not inspect every crack and detail of your home....(unless they're weirdos;)

This weekend was great!We just enjoyed quality, fun time with amazing friends and family. All the other stuff didn't really matter. 

It was the people that made the day special not the place they were in.
At the end of the day what mattered to me most was just that our home was a place where people could feel comfortable and free to be themselves.
And it reminded me just how good our God is because we can be that way with Him. I love that he doesn't expect us to clean up for company with him. 

We don't have to have every detail of our life ironed out, everything polished up, or even all the dirt swept away. Even the dirt we try to hide under the rug (which I NEVER do;) or the cracks we're worried someone may see in don't need to be cleaned up. It doesn't mean God can't see all our mess,whether you like it or not,  He can. But the amazing thing is He's not worried about it.He's not turned away by it. It actually draws him closer to us! 

We can be ourselves with him. He just wants US!... The dirty, messy,look-like-we-got-hit-by-a-tornado...US. Wow. If we can grasp that, I mean truly grasp that how much more freedom would we experience in our lives? How much more loved by God would we feel?...

To know that the God of the universe, the one who created everything, who created us- doesn't expect polished versions of us. He just wants to spend time with us, be there for us, and genuinely love on us. Just as we are. Not despite our mess but because of it! I'm so thankful God doesn't expect or even want us to clean ourselves up for company with him. He loves us in the midst of all our glorious mess!


"Your God is present among you,a strong Warrior there to save you.Happy to have your back, he’ll calm you with his love and delight you with his songs." Zephaniah 3:17

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