An old blanket. A stuffed animal.
We all had something when we were little that we held onto for dear life. Something that brought us comfort, made us feel safe. It didn't matter what it was just the fact that we had it in our hands or even just in our eyesight somehow always made us feel better.
But at some moment in our life we had to do the one thing the stubborn 3year old in us vowed we'd never do...let go.
Whether it was lost by us or "lost" by a parent or we just reached the point of not needing it anymore, we gave up the object that brought us comfort. We may still have it somewhere for sentimental reasons but it's more than likely you're not toting your one eyed,ragged mickey mouse to work with you.
Take it from someone who has had hoarderish tendencies since I could say "mine" I tend to hold on to object...a lot. Sentimental side coming out I guess. It was really only until I got married that I started throwing stuff out. Partly because I knew it was time for a new chapter in my life and partly because my husband is the furthest thing from a hoarder you can get!
The more I held onto to things the more I realized the only way to have room in my life for the new stuff was to start letting go of the old stuff. The good memories would still be there. But if I held on, so would the bad ones.
Sometimes the things we hold onto are not objects that bring us comfort but feelings that cause us agony. Situations that bring us pain. People that have hurt us. Mistakes we've made. Isn't it strange that so often the things we hold onto are things we never wish we had in the first place! And yet we keep a Hulk Hogan hold on them!
It's not the easiest thing in the world to let go of things. To face change. To forgive. In a way, like a child's blankie, those things bring us comfort.But at the same time bring us so much pain and yet we refuse to let go. Because if we let go, we enter unfamiliar territory. Strangely, holding on to that thing that hurts us is still familiar and somehow feels safer than letting go. You at least know what to expect from it. But if we let go, things will change and change is never easy. But the only way to experience healing and peace is to just let go. It's not just a flick of the switch. It takes time, it takes patience, and it takes trust that God is bigger than whatever we're holding onto. Whatever it is He can handle it, He wants to handle it. He wants to be your source of comfort.
The only way we have room in our hands for God to hand us something new is if we let go of the old things we're holding so tight to. Beloved he has so much he wants to show and give you! Believe me when I say it will be so much better than what you're holding onto. Trust Him. All you have to do is take the first step of giving it over to him.
Starting this new year I'm vowing to let go of the things that bring me down so I can let God give me the things that lift me up. So take a deep breath, look up, and just let your fingers slip from the blankie.
“Forget about what’s happened;don’t keep going over old history.Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new." Isaiah 43:18-19
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