Thursday, May 2, 2013

Banking on a Sure thing!

"Depend on God and keep at it because
 in the Lord God you have a sure thing." 
Isaiah 26:3 (MSG)

What are you depending on?

Seems like a simple enough question right. If you believe in God the "expected" response would most likely be "well on God of course." But if there's one thing we know as adults it's that sometimes saying something and wanting to believe it doesn't always make it easy to act out.

Before my health problems started I thought I had a strong enough faith. That's easy to do when everything's going well though, isn't it? To say you trust God and know He's in control of your life.

Then as soon as something bad or unexpected happens, we get bad news, or pain comes, the faith we thought we had is shaken to the point that we're not even sure we can stand. And it makes you wonder what were you really depending on.

The amazing thing about faith though is that it's a continual process. The bible says faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.(Luke 17:6) That when we're faithless he's faithful.(2 Timothy 2:13)That He is refining us through testing it.(2 Timothy 2:8)

I've felt unending pain for a long time now.I used to not want to talk about it but I've realized it's part of my story and a huge part of my faith God's giving me. It's not always easy and there are days I still question why but it's through those situations that God tests and develops our faith.

At the beginning I used to have anxiety about every test the doctor did and let me tell you I've been through my fair share of pokes, prods,scans, and stealing of my blood. (scavengers)

But when I went to the doctor yesterday to get my results from my sonogram I wasn't in the least bit worried about what could happen.That right there is a GOD thing for sure. Not by my own strength but completely by His strength through me, I wasn't scared. And thank God they didn't find any masses!:)

To be dependent on who God is instead of what may or may not happen in a situation is what truly gives us peace.

If we're depending on our circumstances, our feelings, or even the people around us for our hope and happiness we'll always be disappointed. Those things are a huge part of our life but they aren't flawless and they aren't mean to sustain us.

There aren't a lot of sure things in this world but God is.Always.You can take that to the bank of your choice!

He doesn't change. He is always in control, always stronger, always bigger, and always has a plan to use everything we face for our good. He wants us to depend fully on Him because He knows when that happens it won't matter what news we get or what happens because we'll be banking on a sure thing...Him.

Prayer Starter: God I admit it's hard to always depend on you, especially when tough circumstances come my way.Help me to know that you are a sure thing. That even when I don't understand I can always trust you completely because you don't change even when things around me do. I may not have huge faith but what I do have I put in you. Give me your strength and help me depend on who you are instead of what I'm going through.

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