Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm not Keeping CHRIST in Christmas...

Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. Always has been, always will be. Because it's more than about one day out of the year, it's a season. The Christmas season has always been a time when we could have hope in the feeling of joy and peace among everyone.

It's part of why I look forward to thanksgiving every year because I know we're that much closer to peppermint everything and singing Christmas carols off key. Down comes the giant box of Christmas decorations, off to the Christmas tree farm to chop down our tree, random lights decorate the neighborhoods, Christmas music starts playing way too soon for some peoples taste and I love it! 

The smells, the sounds, the cheesy movies...I love it ALL. Even that creepy little Elf on the shelf that people do strange things with...ok maybe not that.

But more than all the lights and eggnog (mmm eggnog), what I love most about this time of year is the JOY it brings. The smile it puts on the faces of people young and old celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. All because of one word...CHRISTMAS. 

And yet somewhere along the way that very word has brought so much controversy.

I'm not really sure when it started happening but I'm amazed by the media and businesses concern about offending people by having them hear or read the word "Christmas". 

I remember my first personal experience was when I worked at the outlet mall in college. Our boss was very adamant about us saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" when we answered the phones. "We don't want to offend anyone" she said. So I did what any self respecting student employee who needed the money would do...I smiled and nodded and when the phone rang I picked it up and said "MERRY CHRISTMAS, how can I help you?" It was one of those moments when my stubborn sarcastic nature was for a good cause.For you Jesus;)

I'm a christian. No matter where I am or what I'm doing, if that offends you than so be it. I won't shove it down your throat but I'm not going to hide it either. The way I see it Jesus Christ faced the shame, the ridicule, the judgement, and punishment that should have been mine when he sacrificed himself for my sins on that cross. He had my back then, and he has ever since. Whether you believe in that or not, I do and therefore I will choose to live for Him.

I understand if people don't wish to say "Merry Christmas." They have free will and the right to their beliefs. However, I know some Christians are outraged by society's attempt to take Christ out of Christmas. How can people be offended by someone like Jesus?"

But maybe it's not an offense to Jesus Christ at all, maybe it's an offense to Christians. As a christian I realize there are a lot of people that don't agree with my beliefs. I understand that. I don't judge or condemn people that don't feel the same way I do. I can even understand why people are so against Christianity. Maybe a lot of that is not because of Christ but because of Christians. 

Maybe we as Christians are the ones that started taking Christ out of Christmas long before society did.

When we started caring more about what we want than what other people need.
When we started thinking we had the right or authority to judge other people just because they're not like us.
When we started taking, taking, taking, no matter what the cost to others.
When we started thinking calling out people's flaws was "doing them a favor."
When we hurt instead of heal, take instead of give, have pride and arrogance instead of humbleness.
When we started making people feel that they weren't "good enough" for our grace....for God's grace.

Yeah that's on us Christians. That's on me. So no, I'm not keeping Christ in Christmas....not the way I should be anyway. Saying Merry Christmas out loud to people, hanging signs in our yard or writing it on cards doesn't make it true if we're not living out the very meaning of it in our lives.

Maybe instead of trying to force people to believe in Jesus we should live our lives in a way that accurately reflects who he is. If people saw who Christ really was I believe they'd want him not only in Christmas but in their lives and isn't that what we should care most about anyway? He didn't have to force people to follow him they wanted to simply because the way he lived his life.

Maybe for those of us that truly believe Jesus is the reason for the season should honor him most by pointing to him the best way possible. How we love and treat others.

Instead of focusing all our attention on keeping Christ in Christmas maybe we should focus on keeping Christ in Christian. (I'm talking to myself here). I'm far from perfect, I mess up A LOT (no amens here please and thank you) but the biggest desire of my heart is to portray Jesus to others. The REAL Jesus.

Let's face it people need belief and hope in something all year around not just during Christmas time. And there is no greater hope than Jesus Christ. At least not in my book. That's why I want to keep Christ not just in Christmas but in everything. That's why no matter what is deemed "socially acceptable" I do and will choose Christ. I will say Merry Christmas. Not because I'm trying to offend others but because I don't want to offend Christ.  Because He is more than a story I believe of a boy that was born in a manger...he is my savior, my hope in life. He brings me peace in chaos and hope when there is every reason in the world telling me not to have any. At the end of my life, JESUS is the one I'll stand before.

I want my actions to speak louder than my words in my life. That's what Jesus was about right? Not just talking the talk but walking the walk. That's what Christmas represents. The hope of a savior. The life of Jesus, in it's entirety...not a baby in a manger. He came to save not to judge. He wasn't picky about who he helped, he didn't turn his back on the ones that didn't believe in him, he didn't even hate the ones that mocked him...even the ones that beat him and hung him on a cross! He loved in the face of hurt, healed in the face of pain, and brought hope to a hopeless world. HE is joy and so we should be too. That's what Christmas is about. That's what people need to see most. Hope and true love. Maybe by keeping Christ in our lives first, others will want to keep him in Christmas. Merry Christmas all.


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