Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Why you are NOT failing as a woman

Hey you, yes I'm talking to you,

You are not failing.

I may not know you well, I may not know where you're at in this moment of your life, where you've come from, or where you're headed but if you are a woman I can say this with utmost certainty; you are doing a great job.

How can I say that? Well for starters I'm a woman. A woman who beats herself up a lot. A woman who has struggled with the pressures of this crazy world and trying to find my place in it.

My worth.

I realize each of us may be in a different place in our lives. A mother. A wife. A daughter. A sister. A career woman. A leader. A supporter. A friend. A homemaker. A single woman. A dating woman. A grandmother. An Aunt. A cook. A maid. But as much as it feels like it from day to day, not one of these things define us. Not one.

Before your feisty "I am woman hear me roar" side comes out let me follow up by saying this, those things do matter. Those roles are important, very important. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve or be the best you can at each thing. They help shape us, mold us, and are our way of contributing to this world we live in. But hear me loud and clear when I say this, THEY DO NOT DETERMINE YOUR WORTH.

We put so much pressure on ourselves as women don't we? We want to be the best at every area of our lives. And we give ourselves little leeway when we mess up. When we dont "measure up". Especially with the crazy world of social media. There are constant reminders of how we could be "doing it better." We compare, we compete, we wear ourselves out to the very soul trying to live up to standards of what we think a woman should be. Let's face it we all want to feel accomplished, we all want to feel worthy.

But can we take a second to remind each other (lovingly of course) of the undeniable truth that: We are not perfect. And we never will be. Hate to bust your perfection bubble but that perfect wife, she doesn't exist. That perfect mom, she isn't out there. That woman who does everything right and looks flawless doing it, she isn't real. We need to stop comparing our own lives with the photoshopped version of others or what we think we should be.

When your kids act a fool...your worth doesn't decrease.
When your husband isnt happy...your worth doesn't decrease.
When your house is a mess...your worth doesn't decrease.
When you screw up at your job...your worth doesn't decrease.
When you can't seem to lose or gain that weight...your worth doesn't decrease.
When you keep struggling with the same thing...your worth doesn't decrease.
When you go back to that addiction...your worth doesn't decrease.
When someone doesn't approve of you...your worth doesn't decrease.

The Truth is the God who created you says you are worthy NOW. Not when...Not if...NOW. As is. You are worthy of belonging now, right this minute. You have God's love now, just as you are.

So often as women we let ourselves get pulled in 50 different directions at the same time.And all because we want everyone to be satisfied because we put the pressure on ourselves to think its our job.But the truth is it isn't, and we can't.

I know you want to do better. I know you want to make your husband happy, your kids to behave, your boss to notice, your peers to approve. But we have to remember they are human too. You can't be perfect for them, and THAT IS OKAY. You give your best, that's all you can. And remember we are ALL a work in progress.

You know why I got the word "beloved" permanently tattooed on my arm? THAT is why. To remind me I am worthy. Not because of who I am, what I do, or how well I do it but because of WHO I belong to. God's beloved child. He is always there unconditionally loving me no matter what I do or don't do right. Wow.

Listen to me, you cherished woman you, YOU ARE NOT FAILING.
You are not failing at being worthy because you already are worthy.
So do me a favor whether you think it's cheesy or not.Take a deep breath, let it out, and repeat after me...."I am a woman and I am not failing.I AM worthy.Right now.As is."

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