Thursday, May 22, 2014

The reason I'm a SPURS fan...

"The Spurs are too soft."

I'm sure if you are a Spurs fan you have heard and probably been annoyed by that statement a time or two.

But that's the world we live in isn't it? If you don't act like a cocky jerk than you are considered weak or not enough. That's sad to me that is the message society or the media want to give to our kids.

I have always been a Spurs fan. Since I was a little jersey reppin, high top wearing tomboy. The reason? Well I always loved sports and of course everyone wants their home team to win. But even as a young kid I was drawn to something much bigger about the San Antonio Spurs. As a whole they have always represented something to me that I think is very rare in society, especially rare in the NBA... Humbleness. 

The world doesn't really glorify the humble heart though do they? But that's the beauty of the humble, they don't really need them to. That's what makes them humble. Good or bad in the eyes of the world it makes them different.

I have always been drawn to the humble at heart. People that have the talent or skills but don't flaunt it or treat others badly because of it. It's something I always saw in my dad, something I now see in my husband.

To me when a man is humble it doesn't represent weakness or wimpiness as the media or society would like to portray. To me it actually represents strength. A gentle strength they choose to keep under control. They might have just as much ability and opportunity to be boastful or cocky but choose not to. Even when that is what the world is asking for. Even if that could get them more attention or fame or money. They choose heart.They pick class.

You see God is not impressed by what we do. He knows the talent and ability we have,  He is the one that chose to bless us with them. What impresses him, what pleases him is our heart behind what we do. That's what he cares about, our motives. Is it for self fulfillment or to glorify him? Do we lift up those around us and encourage through our gifts and position or do we push others down and call ourselves better?

That's why I love the Spurs. That's why a humble heart will always win in the end. It's the only thing that lasts off the court...beyond the screaming crowd and shiny rings.

I remember I used to get so upset when the Spurs would lose (okay I still do) but it's for different reasons. Back then I couldn't understand why God would allow a team that was so humble to lose to a team that was arrogant. But that's just life sometimes isn't it? It's the world we have created, not God. We see pride win, and the humble lose. We see hate take over while love is ignored,we see people do whatever it takes to push their way to the top and 'have it all' while those who treat others well seem to have to suffer the most.

But those are temporary losses. Day to day battles may be lost but the war is already won. God has a bigger picture then what we see around us. Bigger then temporary victories or things that can be taken away at any moment. He's building something permanent, something that will last.

I remember in middle school when my club volleyball team went to eat at Fudrucker's and there was David Robinson eating a burger with his little boy. What I remember more than getting to meet a professional basketball player of my favorite team was what he did that day/ He stood up from his meal and took the time to not only sign every single one of our jerseys but to talk to us and write out a bible verse on our shirts. He didn't have to do that. I remember thinking how cool it was back then and now that I'm older I realize even more what a humble heart that took for him to take the time to do that.

It is a memory I have and always will carry with me and cherish. In that moment it didn't matter to me his title, how much money he made or whether he had an NBA ring or not. He made a difference in my day. Me... A scrawny, bony kneed kid with braces that he never met, knew nothing about and yet he made a difference in my life.  The way he was a genuine shining light through his humbleness without even trying is something I'll never forget. He didn't need a spotlight on him or a uniform on to do that. Simply being him and sharing his heart was enough. He will probably never know the impact he made on me that day.

Humble hearts may not always get the prize in life but humble hearts change lives. I'm not saying all the players on the Spurs are perfect or that God loves them more than other teams (although we'd like to believe so wouldn't we;) But I am saying God loves a humble heart. He hates pride. He doesn't hate the prideful person because our God doesn't hate anyone. He does hate the pride though.

Because pride will often make a person arrogant and rude.  And usually prideful people don't care if people get along with them or not. Pride takes credit ourselves for good things that happen instead of giving it to God. He is the one who deserves it considering every gift and talent we possess comes from him.

But the sad thing is many people that are placed in a high position or front and center in the spotlight start to think more highly of themselves then the God who got them there or the people he used to help do it.

Just like the Spurs there will always be people that hate on you for not fitting into the mold of what they think you should be. Shake them off. Keep being you. Don't stoop to their level. They don't control your destiny, God does.

Of course I want the Spurs to win the championship, that'd be awesome. But even if they don't that's okay. (don't egg my house spurs fans) I'm just saying I will still be a Spurs Fan next season regardless. Because I know even if they lose they'll do it with class. They're setting an example different then most all the rest. With the right attitude and letting their talent speak for itself no matter the hate or criticism towards them.

And we can all learn something from that. They'll go on living. Some still playing, some moving on or retiring but no matter what God will still love them the same. Just like he does us no matter what we do.

Oh and one last thing...GO SPURS GO!!!:)

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