If we spend too much time in front of the mirror focusing on our own reflection it can become distorted. We'll start to notice and dwell on any imperfections we may have (especially if you have a vanity mirror: up close & pore counting personal!) and we'll begin to see everything in relation to ourselves.
-The Negative will out weigh the positive
-the beauty will be clouded by what we would change
-we'll begin to compare ourselves to others who we'll feel like have 'better features'
-what we have will be overshadowed with what we feel like is missing
And then we lose sight of God completely.It's not about Him. It's about us, our insecurities...our reflection and then as Pastor Zak would say "we're in need of some serious unjackification in our lives"
When we're not looking at God, He's still there, we're just not seeing Him.
Let's admit something together can we?...we all have something about our looks that we've wanted to change so we'd feel 'good enough' right? There's nothing wrong with wanting to do things to feel/look healthy. God gave us our body,we should respect it.It's important to take care of yourself, make ourselves presentable.We all want to feel "Beautiful." But to whose standards? By whose definition?
The truth is simple....to the world, we'll never be 'good enough.' They will always focus on, point out, our imperfections because they're measuring by standards no one can live up to...the world's. NO ONE IS PERFECT but Jesus and NO ONE EVER WILL BE until we get to Heaven. We were NOT created in the image of the world's standards (thank God); we were created in the image of GOD. To Him, we are beautiful.
“You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way.” Song of Solomon
People will always see my physical flaws, my imperfections, because that's what's visible to them and sadly that's a focus in society. That's okay, I can't control that. Physical attributes will always change. I've learned to embrace my big ears, because that's what He gave me so I just learned to wiggle them.:)
God cares more about our character. That's the only part of you that will last."Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 2 Corinthians 4:16
I can't control my changing appearance the world sees but I can control the reflection they see from the inside out. Will it be my own, or will it be God's?
Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.1 Peter 3:4
When the Israelite army faced the giant, Goliath, they immediately saw him in relation to themselves and were discouraged.They trembled because they could never measure up to what was in front of them so they didn't even want to try. And then David came along...young-puny-sheep herding-no army experience-David. But instead of focusing on his own imperfections (what he was lacking) instead of seeing this giant in relation to himself, he saw Him in relation to God.
The reflection of God was so much Bigger, Brighter, Capable, and Perfect than his own reflection. David didn't dwell on his imperfections, he didn't complain for God to change him physically. God if you could just make me a tad taller, give me big hulk muscles or strong ninja skills, then...then i could be good enough to defeat what's before me. NOPE. He just had faith in who He knew God was. All he could see were a few stones, his sling shot, and the colossal of a jolly green giant man in front of him. He couldn't see God but He trusted him.
I can't see my face, not with just my natural eyes anyway but I still trust it's there. Your reflection of yourself and the reflection the world sees of you will always be flawed. As humans, our mirrors are distorted. It will always show you there's too many things that need to be changed before you can be acceptable, before you can face your giant victoriously. A distorted mirror will always give a distorted reflection. God doesn't see us the way we do, the way others often do.(can we take a moment for a HALLELUYER?!) God has a mirror that gives undistorted reflections,TRUE reflections. He created us in His image because he wants us to be a reflection of Him, not of the world.
"God created man in His own image.... God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." Gen 1:27, 31
The world is flawed, lacking, and imperfect in so many ways (especially these days) They need to see there is hope, there is life, beauty, acceptance, and there is perfection...perfection in Christ and Christ alone. That's how God see us! He sees the potential not the imperfections. WOW.
It is our job as Christians to reflect that to the world. It's not always easy but through the Bible we can see what God's reflection should look like. Look in the mirror, just humor me. What do you see? The world's distorted reflection of yourself or God's perfect one? Do you see yourself as 'not good enough' or as God's uniquely, wonderfully made child? You don't need to ask God the question....In his eyes the answer will always be YES, you are the fairest of them all.
“See yourself through the Truth of God’s Word, rather than the opinions of the world”
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